Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: INFO: os::commit_memory(0x00000006fff80000, 2863661056, 0) failed; error=’Cannot allocate memory’ (errno=12)

启动 springboot 项目报错:

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: INFO: os::commit_memory(0x00000006fff80000, 2863661056, 0) failed; error=’Cannot allocate memory’ (errno=12) 

There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue. # Native memory allocation (malloc) failed to allocate 2863661056 bytes for committing reserved memory. # An error report file with more information is saved as: # /home/raini/IdeaProjects/spark_mllib/hs_err_pid19206.log

1 个解决方案

中间件研发,关注微信公众号 : 小哈学Java, 回复"666", 即可免费领取10G学习&面试资料


  • 1.加大机器内存
  • 2.关闭某些占用内存较大的程序
  • 3.降低某些程序申请所需的内存